pinkvampyr's blog

Journal Entry #2

It's kind of incredible how easily I can come up with ways to dismiss people's compliments on my website, usually something along the lines of "It's not that impressive because it wasn't really that hard." or "I was only able to do it because I got help or followed a guide." But like. I am noticing that I'm not actually saying that I'm not happy with the results of what I did. Even if it wasn't that hard or I used help, I still LIKE the way my website turned out.

That's such an incredible thing for me to like. Not be immediately unhappy with whatever I've come up with. Art, writing, all those other things I was never happy with and so I dismissed compliments because I didn't believe they were any good in the first place. The closest I've come to this feeling is when I graduated with honors in high school. I dismissed it because I felt it was all a fluke, but it didn't take away the reality of it. Even that soon turned for me though, as I didn't end up going to college and eventually lost my grant, which definitely made the whole thing feel like it wasn't an accomplishment.

BUT just with this simple website I can't help but feel proud. I don't know, maybe I'll hate it in a month or so but I want to commemorate how I'm feeling about it right now because it feels good. Here are some nice things people have said about my website! I'll be adding to it and maybe even making a separate post with all of them.

"your site is so pretty and your hard work definitely shows<3 can't wait to see what else is next"

"Absolutely love the layout it’s the classic claire look 👌 ✨"

"It's been a delight finding you on the indie web! I was shocked when I found out that this was your first attempt at a site. It seems like you took to it like a fish to water! Though, of course, don't let my saying that diminish the hard work that you've put in to learning this. Your results are what I'd expect from someone with a lot of experience, is what I mean! Like, stuff like iFrames, making it so that links can pop out into a new window, the lace borders and text hanging over the boxes... That's all the kind of stuff I've only been implementing into my site recently, and I've been going at this for a little while now! Sorry for the ramble, ha. I've added your button to my site! "

"your website is so pretty! I love everything about it but especially the effect of the letters of the main links (blog/pets/etc), the pink letters contracts the classy black ones so well I clicked on the links several times just to see the effect more 😭💖"

#personal #thoughts