pinkvampyr's blog

Listen to Trans Bisexuals Masterpost

Decided to remake this post on my blog, just so it'll be (relatively) easy to find if Tumblr ever dies. Below is a list of articles and Tumblr posts discussing bisexuality and biphobia, centering trans bisexuals. If you have not seen this post or did not follow me you should know that many of these are meant to disprove harmful ideas about bisexuality and trans people, including those perpetuated as a result of the pansexual label becoming more mainstream. I urge you to please read what is being expressed here by actual bisexual people instead of dismissing this as "panphobic", especially if you are not trans. Feel free to contact me if you wish to add to this list. I want to make it clear that I ultimately do not care and it is not my business what words you use to describe yourself. I just want to dispel harmful ideas about bisexuality and transness and their intersections.


@mediumkravitz essays

Tumblr Posts

Anything That Moves

Note: I have chosen to exclude some of the posts an videos included in the original masterpost either because I wanted to focus on posts with sources, or in the case of the videos, I'm deeply disappointed in Verity Richie's continued support for the Harry Potter series despite it being rife with racism and antisemitism, even as she is decidedly against JK Rowling's transmisogyny. Therefore, I have decided not to include her content in my archived version, although they are still in the original tumblr post, along with the other excluded posts.

#articles #bi #lgbt #resources #trans #tumblr